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Get the next 1 million gamers onboarded with a scan or tap.

Passphrases, wallet extensions, purchasing cryptocurrency. It’s no surprise that onboarding Web3 gamers is challenging. We understand the complexities of launching a Web3 game. Let GENU.N assist you in streamlining the process by facilitating your next mint or airdrop with a straightforward scan or tap. Utilize our smart tags and contact us today for a hassle-free game launch.

Overcoming Web3 Gaming Hurdles

Complex onboarding process for new players (wallets, etc.)

Difficulty linking physical game items to digital assets

Fostering a sense of community and ownership

Overcoming Web3 Gaming Hurdles

The GENU.N Solution

Features & how they address the pain points

Use Cases

Trading Card Game

Scan cards to unlock corresponding in-game characters

In-Game Collectibles

Limited-edition items with real-world versions

Early Access/Rewards

NFT holders get exclusive perks

Game Partners

Ready to Supercharge Your Game?